someone using a tick buster to remove a tick from her dog's back

How to identify a tick and its risks

Outlined below are all the most common types of ticks. You should be comparing the tick you removed from your dog with those in order to identify the potential diseases.


Learn more about the Deer ticks



card showing the different american dog ticks

Learn more about the American dog ticks



card of the lone star ticks

Learn more about the Lone star ticks



 card of different brown dog ticks

Learn more about Brown dog ticks



card of different gulf coast ticks

Learn more about Gulf Coast ticks



card of different western-blacklegged ticks

Learn more about Western-blacklegged ticks



card showing the different pacific coast ticks

Learn more about Pacific coast ticks



card showing the different cayenne ticks

Learn more about Cayenne ticks



card showing the different types of rocky mountain wood ticks (wood ticks)

Learn more about Rocky Mountain Wood ticks

map of the US where the blacklegged tick is usually found



The map gives you a good idea, but you might find this tick in other regions.

*Depending on the type, larvae, nymph, adult male or female, the risks are not the same. Keep reading

Learn about the behavior and risks associated with each type of ticks:

close view of the deer tick adult female


When are they active?

From October-May, as long as the daytime temperature remains above freezing.

Where can they be found?

This tick is mostly found in coniferous forest. Also, they can be on the tips of branches of low growing shrubs.

Potential Diseases:

  • Lyme Disease
  • Babesiosis
  • Anaplasmosis
  • Flavivirus

*If your dog was bit by this tick, you should consider sending this tick for testing.

close view of the deer tick adult male


When are they active?

From October-May, as long as the daytime temperature remains above freezing.

Where can they be found?

This tick is mostly found in coniferous forest. Also, they can be on the tips of branches of low growing shrubs.

Potential Diseases:


close view of the deer tick nymph


When are they active?

From May-August.

Where can they be found?

They are most commonly found in moist leaf litter in wooded areas, or at the edge of wooded areas.

They typically attach to smaller mammals such as mice, voles, and chipmunks

Potential Diseases:

  • Lyme Disease
  • Babesiosis
  • Anaplasmosis
  • Flavivirus

*If your dog was bit by this tick, you should consider sending this tick for testing.

close view of the deer tick larvae


When are they active?

From July-September.

Where can they be found?

These ticks can be found in moist leaf litter.

They will attach to nearly any small, medium or large-sized mammal and many species of birds. Preferred hosts are white-footed mice.

Potential Diseases:


Map of where the American dog tick can be found



The map gives you a good idea, but you might find this tick in other regions.

*Depending on the type, larvae, nymph, adult male or female, the risks are not the same. Keep reading

Learn about the behavior and risks associated with each type of ticks:

close view of the american dog tick adult female


When are they active?

They are active from April to early August.

Where can they be found?

They are found predominantly in areas with little or no tree cover, such as grassy fields and scrubland, as well as along walkways and trails.

They are mostly found questing in tall grass and low lying brush and twigs.

Potential Diseases:

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Tularemia
close view of the american dog tick adult male


When are they active?

They are active from April to early August.

Where can they be found?

They are found predominantly in areas with little or no tree cover, such as grassy fields and scrubland, as well as along walkways and trails.

They are mostly found questing in tall grass and low lying brush and twigs.

Potential Diseases:

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Tularemia
close view of the american dog tick nymph


When are they active?

They are active from May to July.

Where can they be found?

They are found predominantly in areas with little or no tree cover, such as grassy fields and scrubland, as well as along walkways and trails.

Potential Diseases:

  • None
close view of the american dog tick larvae


When are they active?

They are active from late April to September.

Where can they be found?

They can be found questing for a host (voles, mice, raccoons, opossums, etc.) in the leaf litter. In the northeastern U.S., larvae overwinter and are most abundant in the spring and early summer.

Potential Diseases:

  • None
Map of where the lone star tick is mostly found



The map gives you a good idea, but you might find this tick in other regions.

*Depending on the type, larvae, nymph, adult male or female, the risks are not the same. Keep reading

Learn about the behavior and risks associated with each type of ticks:

close view of the lone star tick adult female


When are they active?

They are active from April to late August.

Where can they be found?

They are found mostly in woodlands with dense undergrowth and around animal resting areas.

They will be found questing for larger animals, such as dogs, coyotes, deer, cattle and humans on tall grass in shade or at the tips of low lying branches and twigs.

Potential Diseases:

  • Ehrlichiosis
  • Tularemia

*If your dog was bit by this tick, you should consider sending this tick for testing.

close view of the lone star tick adult male


When are they active?

They are active from April to late August.

Where can they be found?

They are found mostly in woodlands with dense undergrowth and around animal resting areas.

They will be found questing for larger animals, such as dogs, coyotes, deer, cattle and humans on tall grass in shade or at the tips of low lying branches and twigs.

Potential Diseases:

  • Ehrlichiosis
  • Tularemia

*If your dog was bit by this tick, you should consider sending this tick for testing.

close view of the lone star tick nymph


When are they active?

They are active from May to early August.

Where can they be found?

They are found mostly in woodlands with dense undergrowth and around animal resting areas.

They can be found questing for deer, coyotes, raccoons, squirrels, turkeys and some birds as well as cats, dogs and humans.

Potential Diseases:

  • Ehrlichiosis
  • Tularemia

*If your dog was bit by this tick, you should consider sending this tick for testing.

close view of the lone star tick larvae


When are they active?

They are active from July to late September.

Where can they be found?

They are found mostly in woodlands with dense undergrowth and around animal resting areas.

They can be found questing for a wide variety of animals, including cats, dogs, deer, coyotes, raccoons, squirrels, turkeys, and some small birds.

Potential Diseases:


map of the us where the brown dog tick can be found



The map gives you a good idea, but you might find this tick in other regions.

*Depending on the type, larvae, nymph, adult male or female, the risks are not the same. Keep reading

Learn about the behavior and risks associated with each type of ticks:

close view of the dog tick adult female


When are they active?

They are a risk throughout the year as they can live a complete life cycle indoor.

Where can they be found?

Brown Dog ticks have a world-wide distribution, and can be found throughout the United States, although they are encountered more frequently in the southern tier of states.

They occur predominately in and around human settlements and infest homes, animal pens, and dog kennels, often causing high levels of infestation both on dogs and in homes. These ticks can spend their entire life cycle indoors.

Potential Diseases:

  • Ehrlichiosis
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Babesiosis

*If your dog was bit by this tick, you should consider sending this tick for testing.

close view of the dog tick adult male


When are they active?

They are a risk throughout the year as they can live a complete life cycle indoor.

Where can they be found?

Brown Dog ticks have a world-wide distribution, and can be found throughout the United States, although they are encountered more frequently in the southern tier of states.

They occur predominately in and around human settlements and infest homes, animal pens, and dog kennels, often causing high levels of infestation both on dogs and in homes. These ticks can spend their entire life cycle indoors.

Potential Diseases:

  • Ehrlichiosis
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Babesiosis

*If your dog was bit by this tick, you should consider sending this tick for testing.

close view of the dog tick nymph


When are they active?

They are a risk throughout the year as they can live a complete life cycle indoor.

Where can they be found?

Brown Dog ticks have a world-wide distribution, and can be found throughout the United States, although they are encountered more frequently in the southern tier of states.

They occur predominately in and around human settlements and infest homes, animal pens, and dog kennels, often causing high levels of infestation both on dogs and in homes. These ticks can spend their entire life cycle indoors.

Potential Diseases:

  • Ehrlichiosis
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Babesiosis

*If your dog was bit by this tick, you should consider sending this tick for testing.

close view of the dog tick larvae


When are they active?

They are a risk throughout the year as they can live a complete life cycle indoor.

Where can they be found?

Brown Dog ticks have a world-wide distribution, and can be found throughout the United States, although they are encountered more frequently in the southern tier of states.

They occur predominately in and around human settlements and infest homes, animal pens, and dog kennels, often causing high levels of infestation both on dogs and in homes. These ticks can spend their entire life cycle indoors.

Potential Diseases:

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Map of the us showing where the gulf coast tick can be found



The map gives you a good idea, but you might find this tick in other regions.

*Depending on the type, larvae, nymph, adult male or female, the risks are not the same. Keep reading

Learn about the behavior and risks associated with each type of ticks:

close view of the gulf coast tick female


When are they active?

They are active from June to October.

Where can they be found?

They are in coastal areas along the Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico.

They are found in grass prairies and coastal uplands.

Potential Diseases:

close view of the gulf coast tick male


When are they active?

They are active from June to October.

Where can they be found?

They are in coastal areas along the Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico.

They are found in grass prairies and coastal uplands.

Potential Diseases:

close view of the gulf coast nymph


When are they active?

They are active from December to March.

Where can they be found?

They are in coastal areas along the Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico.

They are found in grass prairies and coastal uplands.

Potential Diseases:

close view of the gulf coast tick larvae


When are they active?

They are active from October to January.

Where can they be found?

They are in coastal areas along the Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico.

They are found in grass prairies and coastal uplands.

Potential Diseases:

Map of the US where the western-blacklegged ticks can be found



The map gives you a good idea, but you might find this tick in other regions.

*Depending on the type, larvae, nymph, adult male or female, the risks are not the same. Keep reading

Learn about the behavior and risks associated with each type of ticks:

close view of the western blacklegged tick female


When are they active?

They are active from October-May, as long as the daytime temperature remains above freezing.

Where can they be found?

So far, these ticks have been spotted on the west coast solely.

They feed onto larger animals such as domestic dogs, humans, and deer.

They may be found in grasslands, woodland grass, or brush areas.  Also, they can be on the tips of branches of low growing shrubs.

Potential Diseases:

  • Lyme Disease
  • Anaplasmosis

*If your dog was bit by this tick, you should consider sending this tick for testing.

close view of the western blacklegged tick male


When are they active?

They are active from October-May, as long as the daytime temperature remains above freezing.

Where can they be found?

So far, these ticks have been spotted on the west coast solely.

They feed onto larger animals such as domestic dogs, humans, and deer.

They may be found in grasslands, woodland grass, or brush areas.  Also, they can be on the tips of branches of low growing shrubs.

Potential Diseases:


close view of the western blacklegged tick nymph


When are they active?

They are active from January to October, as long as the daytime temperature remains above freezing.

Where can they be found?

So far, these ticks have been spotted on the west coast solely.

They can primarily be found under and around leaf litter and at the bottom of trees.

They feed on smaller animals, such as rodents and birds.

Potential Diseases:

  • Lyme Disease
  • Anaplasmosis

*If your dog was bit by this tick, you should consider sending this tick for testing.

close view of the western blacklegged tick larvae


When are they active?

From April to June.

Where can they be found?

So far, these ticks have been spotted on the west coast solely.

They can primarily be found under and around leaf litter and at the bottom of trees.

They feed on smaller animals, such as rodents and birds.

Potential Diseases:


detailed view of a us map showing where the pacific coast tick can be found



The map gives you a good idea, but you might find this tick in other regions.

*Depending on the type, larvae, nymph, adult male or female, the risks are not the same. Keep reading

Learn about the behavior and risks associated with each type of ticks:

close view of the pacific coast tick female


When are they active?

They are active year-round, but peak activity typically occurs during cooler months, and especially in March, April and May.

Where can they be found?

They are found predominantly in shrublands, chaparral, and along trails from Oregon to northern Baja California and Mexico.

Pacific Coast ticks are the most common tick found nearly throughout California.

Potential Diseases:

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Tularemia
close view of the pacific coast tick male


When are they active?

They are active year-round, but peak activity typically occurs during cooler months, and especially in March, April and May.

Where can they be found?

They are found predominantly in shrublands, chaparral, and along trails from Oregon to northern Baja California and Mexico.

Pacific Coast ticks are the most common tick found nearly throughout California.

Potential Diseases:

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Tularemia
close view of the pacific coast tick nymph


When are they active?

They are active year-round, but peak activity typically occurs during cooler months, and especially in March, April and May.

Where can they be found?

Nymphs can be found questing for hosts on the ground or up to five inches from the ground on the sides of vegetation. From Oregon to northern Baja California and Mexico.

Pacific Coast ticks are the most common tick found nearly throughout California.

Potential Diseases:

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Tularemia
close view of the pacific coast tick larvae


When are they active?

They are active are active from summer through winter,with peak activity in July. 

Where can they be found?

Larvae prefer to feed on small rodents and other small mammals. They are anywhere, from Oregon to northern Baja California and Mexico.

Pacific Coast ticks are the most common tick found nearly throughout California.

Potential Diseases:

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Tularemia
map of the us showing where cayenne ticks can be found



The map gives you a good idea, but you might find this tick in other regions.

*Depending on the type, larvae, nymph, adult male or female, the risks are not the same. Keep reading

Learn about the behavior and risks associated with each type of ticks:

close view of the cayenne tick adult female


When are they active?

They are active year-round as long as daytime temperature are above zero (always the case in current affected regions (texas)).

Where can they be found?

They are primarily confined to south Texas, although collections of Cayenne ticks from Florida and coastal regions of other states bordering the Gulf of Mexico have been reported.

Cayenne ticks are commonly found in grassy areas.

Potential Diseases:

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
close view of the cayenne tick adult male


When are they active?

They are active year-round as long as daytime temperature are above zero (always the case in current affected regions (texas)).

Where can they be found?

They are primarily confined to south Texas, although collections of Cayenne ticks from Florida and coastal regions of other states bordering the Gulf of Mexico have been reported.

Cayenne ticks are commonly found in grassy areas.

Potential Diseases:

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
close view of the cayenne tick nymph


When are they active?

They are active year-round as long as daytime temperature are above zero (always the case in current affected regions (texas)).

Where can they be found?

They are primarily confined to south Texas, although collections of Cayenne ticks from Florida and coastal regions of other states bordering the Gulf of Mexico have been reported.

Cayenne ticks are commonly found in grassy areas.

Potential Diseases:

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
close view of the cayenne tick larvae


When are they active?

Mostly during April & May, but as far as October.

Where can they be found?

They are primarily confined to south Texas, although collections of Cayenne ticks from Florida and coastal regions of other states bordering the Gulf of Mexico have been reported.

Cayenne ticks are commonly found in grassy areas.

Potential Diseases:

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
map of the US where the rocky mountain wood tick can be found



The map gives you a good idea, but you might find this tick in other regions.

*Depending on the type, larvae, nymph, adult male or female, the risks are not the same. Keep reading

Learn about the behavior and risks associated with each type of ticks:

close view of the tocky mountain wood tick female


When are they active?

The wood ticks can be active from January through November, but are most common in the late spring/early summer.

Their activity diminishes during the hot and dry mid-summer period.

Further west in the northern inter-mountain region, large numbers of adult wood ticks can occur in April and May.

Where can they be found?

They are found predominantly in shrublands, lightly wooded areas, open grasslands, and along trails, mainly at lower elevations.

Potential Diseases:

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Tularemia

*If your dog was bit by this tick, you should consider sending this tick for testing.

close view of the tocky mountain wood tick male


When are they active?

The wood ticks can be active from January through November, but are most common in the late spring/early summer.

Their activity diminishes during the hot and dry mid-summer period.

Further west in the northern inter-mountain region, large numbers of adult wood ticks can occur in April and May.

Where can they be found?

They are found predominantly in shrublands, lightly wooded areas, open grasslands, and along trails, mainly at lower elevations.

Potential Diseases:

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Tularemia

*If your dog was bit by this tick, you should consider sending this tick for testing.

close view of the tocky mountain wood tick nymph


When are they active?

The nymph wood ticks are active from March through October.

Where can they be found?

They are found predominantly in shrublands, lightly wooded areas, open grasslands, and along trails, mainly at lower elevations.

Nymphs prefer to feed on rodents, especially voles, and rarely attach to humans or pets.

Potential Diseases:

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Tularemia

*If your dog was bit by this tick, you should consider sending this tick for testing.

close view of the tocky mountain wood tick larvae


When are they active?

Larvae are active from March (further south) through October (further north).

Where can they be found?

They are found predominantly in shrublands, lightly wooded areas, open grasslands, and along trails, mainly at lower elevations.

Larvae prefer to feed on rodents, especially voles, and rarely attach to humans or pets.

Potential Diseases:

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Tularemia

*If your dog was bit by this tick, you should consider sending this tick for testing.